b'THE POWER OFCOMMUNICATION IN COACHINGChange the How to supercharge your skillset. way you look at things and the things you look at change - Wayne DyerHOW DO WE KNOW WHATSee things from other peoples WE KNOW? perspectives, creating stronger NLP offers a simple yet powerful model ofunderstanding; essential for conflict our Epistemology, that is, an understanding ofresolution, negotiation, managing others and how we know what we know. It explains how we createbuilding relationships.our maps (interpretations) of our world and experiencesRe-discover or connect with the source of their through our unique filters (the 5 senses) and that givesmotivation to create action.us clues as to where we might be making things moreChange limiting beliefs into empowering beliefs, complex than necessary, thus creating barriers to success. essential for faster progress.NLP also offers processes to ethically change our filters,Understand how language impacts behaviour and to be able to really see things differently, gain a freshhow behaviour impacts language. This makes a client perspective thus creating greater choice and freedom andmore solution-focused and avoids negative thinking. It changing our maps.changes focus from why cant I? to how can I?Imagine the power of being able to think differently aboutOvercome debilitating self-doubt and imposter something that was holding you back or had alwayssyndrome to clear the space for growth.caused you angst.Exercise choice over their mindset and state. State If you change your map and way of thinking, you changebeing how we are in any given moment. Anxious, nervous, your behaviour as a result worried, confident, focused, excited, solution-focused.All performance is state-related. When a client can HOW DOES IT ADD VALUE TO THEmanage their own state, they will see better results. WORK OF COACHES? Develop greater awareness.ENHANCING COACHINGAwareness is the mother of all skill sets.Ive spent 30-years working in the field of communication What I amSometimes all a client needs is greaterand change, as a professional actor, entrepreneur, author, aware of I canawareness. When we becomecoach and motivational keynote speaker. control, what Iaware of something, we tend to self- As well as designing and running Association for correct. For example, if you becomeCoaching accredited training courses, I sit on the Training am unaware ofaware you are unintentionally and Accreditation Panel for the Association for NLP controls meshouting in a public place, you will(ANLP) which offers numerous opportunities to witness the - Sir John automatically lower your voice. NLPimmense benefits of NLP in peoples lives.Whitmore has many tools to deepen awareness. Over many years,I have not found anything as powerful Understand what is most importantas NLP that brings together such an effective set of to them. This is essential for goodcommunication skills and processes for powerful and rapid decision-making. change.Align thoughts, words and action. AlignmentThe Association for Coaching Accredited Certificate in and congruence are essential for success. Coach Training (ACCT) course is unique as it includes Gain a 360-degree perspective on challenges theyan ANLP accredited NLP Diploma certification as part face. This creates options and can change limiting beliefs. of it. Find out more here.19'