b'THE POWER OFCOMMUNICATION IN COACHINGHow to supercharge your skillset.T o be the most effective coach and trainer I can be, I embed the powerful tools and techniques of Neuro Linguistic Programming in every training I deliver. To be an excellent coach, it is imperative to have excellent communication skills to be able to understand others. NLP helps you to deepen and develop these. Seek first to understand. When you understand your client, the work youSteve Payne, do as a coach is life-changing. You may also hearCoach, Master NLP someone who has trained in NLP say it has alsoTrainer, Founder been a life-changing experience. Training in NLP offers a very a powerful shift on a personal andof The Academy of professional level. Coaching and Training, WHAT IS NLP? International Executive Coach, Keynote Neuro Linguistic Programming has been describedSpeaker, Co-author as the art and science of personal excellence. Its all about the mind and the patterns that areof My 31 Practices.programmed in and how we can change themtaoct.ukfor the better. It is a methodology for modellingsteve.payne@taoct.ukexcellence to obtain extraordinary results. It deepens our ability to understand ourselves and others on a new level and to identify with who we really are, what we believe in and why. It gives us opportunity to achieve the goals we set in lifedown in performance and thinking; when they limit us and and business when we free ourselves of unhelpful belief systems.show up as unhelpful in our lives.NLP is a set of tools and techniques for understandingYou may have heard the term self-limiting beliefsthe patterns of thinking and behaviour that we all runThis means anything we think that tells us we cant or we unconsciously. These patterns are embedded from a veryare bad at something or limit our thinking around what early age and are built from what we hear, see, feel andwe can achieve in that area.experience as a child and the belief system we have builtWe are all different, we think differently, we have around that and what we believe to be true in our worlds. different sets of values and beliefs, we interpret differently, It also provides processes for identifying and changingwe make meaning differently. We map experience those patterns when they dont serve us and when theydifferently. The clients map of the world is always the produce negative behaviours as a result that slow usstarting point.18'