b'As a BusinessCoach I have never coached a business!I coach the people who own and run a business.MINDSET &MOTIVATIONDRIVING YOU AND YOUR BUSINESSB usiness coaching will always involveindividual to discover for themselves what they are business solutions and advice, but the realdoing, or not doing, to themselves and to change it.process always begins with the motivationThis is often achieved by changing some limiting beliefs and mindset of the business owner. and by creating some new, exciting and fresh external Trying to get anyone to absorb knowledge and takemotivations. action without the required mindset is pointless.Motivation and DesireThe WE-OF-ME What are the inner triggers and drivers that motivate us It all starts with having the right mindset, being motivatedto do things that previously we havent wanted to do? in the right way and believing in yourself. This is the keyA big part of achieving our goals is to appreciate to success in both business and life. and recognise just how important it is for us to enjoy, Many people know exactly what they need to do,embrace and be motivated by the actual process and but simply arent doing it. Their subconscious mind andthe journey towards our goals, not just the attraction of inner-self continues to get in their way. the reward or goal itself. I call this the WE-OF-MEIf the activity required to get there isnt very attractive Reaching and understanding this powerfulor enjoyable, it is highly unlikely we will make it, subconscious saboteur helps the business owner orirrespective of the prize that ultimately awaits us!10'