b'Deep Internal Reflection MAKING THE UNCONSCIOUS CONSCIOUSThe truth is that the peace craved comes from the ability to master the internal relationship with the self. Self-mastery DISCOVERING YOUR requires deep internal reflection and analysis, internal healing and release from our own versions of trapped trauma and suffering. AUTHENTIC CONFIDENCE Since our earliest years we are conditioned into self-destructive behaviour patterns which undermine our authentic self-expression. People parent unconsciously and children are often set to repeat the patterns and mistakes of their parents because they are too young to question or challenge the potentially limiting beliefs fed to them in their formative years.The naturally creative, conscious mind becomes critical and the unconscious mind cannot then support us in the creation of our biggest dreams and highest intentions. The unconscious mind is what helps us to manifest our conscious focus into tangible results but it cannot do so without clear and concise instruction from the conscious mind.Most people lack the ability to really focus their consciousAllan Kleynhans is an International mind on what they want and to visualise their success. TheySpeaker, World Class Performance are also unaware of carrying trapped trauma and cantCoach and highly skilled Training move forward in an authentic expression of true self untilFacilitator. His area of expertise this is released.Consciousness Becomes Matter includes self-awareness, leadership and communication. Belief creates experience. Your current unconscious focusHe has studied and worked with the creates your current reality so if youre struggling to movebiggest names in the self-improvement your life and/or business to the next level, its because youre working against yourself without even knowing it. industry. An ardent student of Anthony Robbins, he has subsequently Your achievements will never outreach or out-perform thetrained with the world-renowned image you hold of yourself in your unconscious mind - your self-concept. peak performance expert in Human Needs Psychology, Neuro-Associative This concept of self is anchored deeply in your nervousConditioning, Empowering Leadership system and its who you think you are that sabotages yourand Strategic Intervention. ability to create and enjoy authentic, real success.To be truly happy, you must look within to make theHe graduated from Anthony Robbins unconscious wounds that drive your behaviours conscious. California-based Leadership Academy This healing requires deep introspection and its not for thein 2001 with full honours and regularly faint-hearted but if youre willing to go within and lookfacilitates in a leadership capacity as a at whats shaped who youve become, youll discover aTrainer at Robbins international events. scared little child running around in an adult body, trying toAllan is also a graduate of Anthony find peace. Robbins Mastery University.When you can really do this deep inner work to comeallanspeaks.comhome to yourself, you can begin to create powerful and miraculous shifts in your life and reveal your true talents and abilities. In your authentic self, you can finally find the peace and joy youve been searching for. 09'