b'FINDING THE RIGHTCOACH FOR YOUA s this is a space toA coaching investment isnt to be taken lightly. Before your help you understandcall, think about the questions you want to ask around their and explore coaching,experience, qualifications and approaches. The coach will it seems apt to writewant to understand what the problems are and what you in this first issue about how towant to achieve but dont be afraid to ask your questions Great coachingrecognise and choose a goodtoo!Seek their strengths and look for someone who is fully client- coach that is right for you.complements you, not overpowers you.Coaching could be viewed asTry and do this via skype or zoom so you can meet focused subjective; what works for one isvirtually.Follow your instinct and if you feel uncomfortable not the same for another and it isat all, pushed or sold to just bring it to a close. It is certainly true that one size doesntimportant that you feel valued and understood from the fit all. Great coaching is crafted fromstart.professional skills that are fully client- Accountability is a valuable and powerful part of focused, not coach focused. An effectivecoaching. Its not being told what to do or reporting coach will always draw the answers from you;back. Its constructive support, feedback and holding you develop not impose, and empower you not train you. Theyaccountable to taking the actions you have set yourself. will listen and build quality rapport, ask questions to invokeThis will involve holding the mirror up when needed - real consideration, offer valuable feedback and theirand challenging you. You dont want a yes coach! An niche will add extra skillsets and experience. honest and trusting space is what you are looking for, Coaching takes you where you cant take yourself so a challenge is never a confrontation, but well-placed Knowing logically what to do just isnt enough when youand in your best interests.As a coachee, you need to be get stuck in your thinking, lose focus or cant recognisecommitted to what you say you want as when why you cant move forward. the tasks and the work needs to be 3 signs coaching will help you;implemented, it is down to you. - You want to uplevel or make changes in your businessYou want a coach who but find it difficult to navigate a path towards that andcan listen deeply and need to map out next steps.facilitateyourbest thinking, not just tell you what to - You feel barriers to growth (real or perceived) limitingdo or supply answers. beliefs or mindset issues hold you back, you struggleRather, they will help you to making decisions, are stuck in looped thinking, feelingorganise and develop your frustrated. own thought processes; a - You want to get clarity and focus around what youlifelong skill to learn.are doing and need new resources, strategy help plusSo choose 3 coaches accountability. initially to have calls with and Remember, the driving force behind your life and businessremember, you are not making is you, so mindset is often the most transformational parta commitment at this stage, you of your journey; it takes time as it is can be difficult initiallyare simply exploring options, but do be to think in a new way but when this starts shifting, so doesprepared to commit and invest when you find the right everything else. coach. Exploring your options Your instinct is the biggest guide you have; trust it and you The initial discovery call is the space to explore whetherwont go far wrong.you and the coach are a fit. 05'