b'LOOKING AFTER YOUR HEALTHStay energised, improve your mood and sleep better!Health Coach, Ali Hutchinson, knows thatMaintain Energyhaving good health and enough energyTOP TIP!Ditch coffee and artificial stimulants. Caffeine is a sleep disruptor, especially if taken in the afternoon. to do the things you want to do as well asBuild up your energy levels naturally through a good diet the time to make both happen is crucial. of healthy wholefoods, sleep, exercise and hydration. One morning coffee morning isnt going to do too much damage but how often do we stop there? Find a more Here are a few of her simple healthynatural alternative for a mid- afternoon energy boost.living techniques to help. Add Exercise Even when fatigued, exercise energises you though the release of serotonin. This is one of the hormones that affects mood and the increased ability for the brain to absorb Dopamine, the hormone that affects movement, emotional response and your ability to feel pleasure. 30 minutes cardio combined with lifting weights or resistance work and stretching will reap the most benefits.Avoid SugarsTHE BIG ONE; avoid sugar, especially refined, processed sugar which burns like fire in your body. High energy peaks and massive crashes are sugar related. Pack your breakfast with protein and reduce the sugar for the best start to the day! Seek food with a low glycaemic score. Top of my list is a protein packed smoothie, oats or eggs. 22'