b'EVER BEEN TOLDYOU HAVE POTENTIAL?T his was written on practically every schoolThe work of psychologists Abraham Maslow and report card I received. Jonathan hasmodern-day psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, so much potential, These words werean expert in the science of flow, indicate that we inevitably followed with the word butare optimised to thrive through the path of realising suggesting I may never actually fulfill this potentialpositive potentials.unless I stopped holding myself back.Yet I have discovered, over the past decade I had no idea at that stage exactly what it was, howof serving people across a variety of cultures I was holding myself back or why and especially nopositions and industries, that many hold unconscious idea how I would begin to reach it.attachments to the other potentials and these then But what is potential? Can we see it, feel it, touch it,work in direct opposition to the realisation of their taste it?positive potentials and can prevent us from thriving.The Oxford Dictionary defines potential as having or showing the capacity to develop something inUntil we make the the future.unconscious consciousWe all have positive potential; inspired ideas, deepit will guide our life and desires, goals and ambitions which are not yet tangible but show capacity to develop in the future. well call it fate At the same time, many who are not operating in their- Carl Jung.optimal states have other potentials. These also show capacity to develop in the future; in a more negativeThis is where the need for transformational coaching and restrictive way. comes in as we strive to free ourselves from our Showing up in the form of limiting beliefs, presentlyattachments and direct our attention, energy and held past traumas and self-sabotaging patterns, theyaction towards realising our positive potentials.prevent us from believing we can achieve things or beTransformational coaching helps people to better who we want. themselves and their lives by bringing about These other potentials are the buts my teachersnecessary changes. The transformation is in helping eluded to; my own patterns, beliefs and fears thatpeople to change the way they actually view held me back. themselves.18'