b'CONSCIOUS MONEY CREATION SHOW ME THE MONEY!Money is a very happy by-product of alignment within you and its also the vital, financial component of your business.U nderstanding your own alignmentevery action that you take. Your action resonates at a and the energetics of money offersfrequency which the universe then responds to, so in order you the opportunity to increaseto affect your physical reality, you need to do something abundance, alignment and a wholeand take an action that resonates with what you want new way of living. more of. Spiritual practice is a key to happiness but if you want to The Law of Attraction create more actual money, you must vibrate at a physical The Law of Attraction is one of our many governing lawslevel so that the universe says yes, brings you new and, in its simplest form, it states that like attracts like oropportunities and money will land physically in your bank alternatively, the universe always says yes. account.A common misconception of the LOA is that you canMind your languagehappy thought think or believe something into existence.You are designed to create a fulfi lling and abundant life, So, if you think long and hard enough about owningwhich the universe will say yes to, but it can only do that that red Ferrari, itll one day magically appear on yourwhen you choose it.driveway?No, thats simply not how it works. You can make as many affi rmations as you want but if Happy thinking or attempting to force yourself to believethe language you are using at a vibrational level is something that just isnt true for you will not magicallyone of obligation, guilt, sacrifi ce, resentment, create what you say you want and certainly not the moneyjudgment or with any negative root, to buy it. youre going to create more of When you think positive thoughts you will feel better, asthat judgement, obligation, great thoughts create more great thoughts, but you cantsacrifi ce and guilt. think money into real form via them. Choosing lower vibrational You are designed to manifest, designedenergies like obligation means to create.the universe simply says yes to that, giving you Everything that you have in yourmore obligation, Manifesting isntexperience right now is createdbecause that is a magic spell or aby YOU.what you are secret sauce thatNot through good or badsaying you only the chosenthoughts and beliefs butwant.because the universe is 100%Money is often few are able toreactive and says yes to thehow we assign master.energy underpinning yourvalue as it represents actions. value.When you The language of money choose not to value your experience, you Putting a positive spin or shifting to awill become poorer more positive attitude and then doing theand poorer, as you same things youve always done doesnt work either. Whatrepeatedly choose an youve been doing doesnt resonate to what you want, orenergy at the opposite you would already have it! end of the vibrational The language of money is about the energy underneathspectrum of money.12'